About IHRE

IHRE is a bold non-partisan research and education-focused nonprofit organization committed to raising awareness about the Holocaust and its impact on the world. IHRE is joining the conversation to fight and condemn growing antisemitism rooted in Holocaust denial and distortion and antisemitism that is directly linked to reduced knowledge about the Holocaust.

IHRE generates and amplifies information about the Holocaust through direct outreach and powerful campaigns so that engaged and connected young people (Gen Z and Millennials) and members of previous generations who value truth and justice are inspired to take action to honor history and carry the lessons of the Holocaust forward to the next generations. IHRE has an uncommon edge, meeting these generations where they are at and arming them with the knowledge and tools they need to feel empowered, educated, courageous and compelled to share the history, legacy, stories and lessons of the Holocaust while sharing a vision of a world without another Holocaust.

We believe each generation that is knowledgeable about the history of the Holocaust and its atrocities can decrease the possibility that the Holocaust could happen again to Jews or others in the world. IHRE believes that through knowledge and awareness it is entirely possible to prevent the catastrophe of Holocaust from repeating itself.

Portrait of “Austrian Nazis and local residents look on as Jews are forced to get on their hands and knees and scrub the pavement.” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives 03741. Courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, College Park. Copyright of Public Domain.

Our Vision

To empower current and future generations to fight hate and discrimination and become advocates for acceptance and empathy through illuminating the darkest chapter in human history and today’s ongoing antisemitism.

Our Mission

To amplify knowledge and information about the Holocaust and antisemitism in order to inspire successive generations to recognize and combat intolerance, discrimination, and injustice in all of their forms.

We Value


We value honesty in our thoughts, communication, and actions. We are clear in our expression and say what we mean, as simply as possible. We hold people accountable when they demonstrate intellectual dishonesty or spread lies and/or misinformation.


The only thing we know is that we don’t, and can’t possibly, know it all. Acknowledging this allows us to constantly be in a state of growth and learning, questioning and seeking to more deeply understand those around us and the events happening around us, and helping others to understand them as well.


We accept responsibility for our actions and inactions in every realm of our lives. We hold fast to our values and are brave in our actions, taking a stand wherever we feel it necessary. We take smart risks, informed by facts, to maximize our impact.


Our impact grows exponentially when we engage with partners in our community and individuals with shared passion and values. We seek out new points of view and treat our partners and collaborators with great respect.

"You can't erase history"

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